Thursday, June 25, 2009

Life is like being in a circus

Assignments keep coming in 1 by 1 yet I still have no idea about designing a Kindergarten educational book for kids,any of you have any idea in mind that can share it with me? XD I really need some idea now.. And I need to design a candle holder or a wine glass with historical characters/myth creatures or a building and I guess If I'm talented enough,I'm doing gryphon if not maybe a human that's all haha.. Traditional Animation kinda fun to attend but busy with loads of exercise/drawing you need to do such as creating a character and have to draw 8 frames of that character to walk,is a walk cycle la basically and photography assignments seems fun also cuz you got the chance to experience how to take a proffesional pictures like you can see it in books.. Those nice scenery/archhitecture buildings picture..

You know,nowadays I kinda free since I've finished those previous assignments ( not including the new 1 ) I've been thinking bout alot of stuff. While hearing this song Circus - Britney Spears, I suddenly had a thought in my mind. Don't you think that,Life is like being in a circus? The world is like a circus while the humans are entertainer/audience. In a circus, you got fire breather,lion tamer,ballerina,clown,juggler,mr mime and etc. Well,humans too have many types in this world such as happy-go-lucky type, emo type,a mask wearer,and etc. Some likes to make up rumours,some like to spark up the fire, some like to spread,and some like to lead. Even in my gang too we have many types. For example :-

Yi - The Caring Type
Why? Cuz he really do care bout us like a Nanny

Ying - The Happy-go-Lucky Type
She always smile,always laugh like there's no problem out there she cannot handle. But actually, she got alot of problems to handle.

Shui - The Cool Type
He always go out with us with a "cool" look on his face lol

Lei - The Surprise Type
His reaction never fail to surprise me! LOL! Remember that time when Vivian went off to bed? And remember when he punch the soft toy eyes in Genting? That's surprising for him to act like that!

Kum - The Heck Care Type
Well, I don't know which category he fall in cause most of the time I hear from him is "dont know, dont care"

Bay - The Emo Type
Well, I no need to explain why.

Eddie - ????
Sorry bro,I don't know which type you fall into. A little bit of here and there xD

But actually,not good also to judge them by their attitudes.I just had it in my mind,thought of writing it out geh.. Sorry if I offense you with what i wrote here just I kinda find it interesting. Everyone has a role to play in this world,like being in a circus,what job you are doing in a circus, you have a role. Either you are the lion tamer, ballerina and etc. Being a human, being in a friendship, you too have a role whether a good friend? A leader? An organizer? etc is just that which 1 you prefer to be.

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